Romantic date: 40 original ideas

by adminzack07

No one can be surprised by a banal dinner at a restaurant, but you want to organize a romantic date so that the memories of the time spent warm the soul for a long time. Fortunately, the unusual places where you can enjoy communication with your girlfriend, quite a lot, it is only necessary to include fantasy. 


What to consider when organizing 


Take into account the preferences of the other half, because your ideas about the ideal date may differ. For example, a clichéd dinner on the roof can be hopelessly ruined if it turns out that she is afraid of heights. Stick to the recommendations: 


  1. To find out what kind of date your girl dreams of, just talk to her about it.


  1. Choose a few of the most suitable options and discuss them with your other half.


  1. Take into account the lady’s tastes and desires.


  1. Before the date, put yourself in order: perfect hair, fresh breath, ironed clothes, pleasant perfume.


Basic kinds 


You can think of an almost endless number of original dates, but they all fall into five categories: 


  1. extreme. A parachute jump, a chamber of horrors, a hot air balloon flight and more will leave an unforgettable impression.


  1. Homemade. These types of dates are suitable for quiet personalities and homebodies. Watch a movie, cook dinner together, or take a relaxing bath.


  1. Relaxing. Such a perfect first date in the life of a couple can be held in a bathhouse or spa, but there is one condition – you must be close enough for this, otherwise the girl may think that you are trying to get her into bed.


  1. Cognitive. The most rewarding and successful dates. Sign up for a reading circle, go to a museum or art gallery, attend a master class to improve your cooking, singing or drawing skills. Be guided by the preferences of your other half.


  1. Romantic. Invite your girlfriend to a restaurant or movie, and then take a walk in the park and buy her a bouquet of flowers.


With animals. 


Such a date idea requires good preparation, because if one of the partners is allergic to animals, the meeting will be ruined. Where and how to hold a date: 


  1. the Hippodrome. Here you can not only touch the horses, but also get a riding lesson.


  1. Shelter. Buy a few pounds of feed and go to the shelter. This will show your generosity.


  1. Farm. This idea will appeal to lovers of unusual animals. At the farm, you can touch and feed the pets and then take pictures with them.


  1. Zoo. Some people are skeptical about this kind of leisure, because in such places the animals are not kept in the best conditions.


City tour 


Start your walk at one end of the city and walk to the other, stopping at a restaurant along the way to replenish your energy and have a meal. This date will not only allow you to enjoy the beauty of the city, but also to get to know each other well. 


Be sure to warn the girl that you are planning a long walk so that she will wear comfortable shoes. She is unlikely to be happy at the prospect of walking through the city in high-heeled shoes. 


To avoid awkward pauses during the walk, think about topics of conversation in advance. It is better to go back in a cab, because a tired girl is a disgruntled girl. 


A culinary master classes 


Such a vacation will help to bring bright colors into ordinary life. It is better to go to courses on the preparation of dishes of other nations. 


Inviting a girl to an unusual date, try to do it correctly, because she may take it as a hint that she can’t cook. It is better to say that you would be interested in such knowledge, and the presence of a loved one nearby will give more confidence. 


Trade Center 


The mall is rich with stores, so be prepared to spend a tidy sum on your girlfriend. So that the girl is not embarrassed by such an outing, warn her right away that you are ready to pay for her purchases (if you have no desire to pay, tell her that, too). 


Flea Market 


Walking around the flea market, you can find a lot of interesting and rare things that no one else has. If you’re both fans of mysteries and vintage items, you’ll find a topic of conversation all by yourself. 


To ensure the comfort of the other half during the walk, immediately stipulate the financial side. Say that you will pay for your purchases. 


Live Music 


If in the near future in your city there will be a concert of a popular music group, do not miss the chance to visit it. Here you can not only listen to live music, but also enjoy the unique concert atmosphere. 


To avoid confusion, ask the other half on a date in advance. Make sure she hasn’t already purchased a ticket. Also, inveterate homebodies may not like such an active form of recreation.
Bicycle ride 


It’s not about tight suits and speed races. Invite your girlfriend for a relaxing bike ride with a chance to enjoy nature. 


In order not to get lost, think through the route in advance or take a navigator. During the bicycle ride at least 2-3 times, stop for a snack and a rest. 


At home 


This type of date is suitable for people who are away from home most of the time. Otherwise you will turn dating into a chore.  

How to arrange a date at home: 


  1. Cook a delicious meal together. Cooking together brings you closer together, which is why therapists recommend practicing these types of dates more often.


  1. Watch movies and TV shows. Enlist the support of popcorn and a warm plaid to create a cozy environment conducive to intimacy.


  1. massages. If you’re close enough, you can organize an evening of massage with an intimate continuation.


Relax for two. 


Invite your other half to the pool, sauna or spa. So you will have something to talk about, think of themes in advance. Also, take care of the food. 


Many beauty salons provide a dating service. If you have a little extra money, be sure to take advantage of such an offer. 


Picnic on the roof. 


Refers to the romantic types of dating, because it remains in the memory for a long time. To organize a picnic on the roof, you need: 


  1. Make an agreement with the building manager to let you on the roof at a fixed time.


  1. To organize a picnic on the roof you must: 1.


  1. Set up a table and chairs.


  1. Decorate the roof with glowing lights or balloons.


  1. Stock up on blankets in case the girl gets cold.


  1. Devise a menu.


  1. Check the weather forecast. The date will be ruined if it rains unexpectedly or gets very cold.


Choose light meals and snacks, and make sure you have alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. If you don’t know your other half’s tastes, take a little bit of everything. 


It is not recommended to put the table too close to the edge of the building, as the girl may feel uncomfortable because of her fear of heights. Also, don’t force her to look down if she flatly refuses. Respect her fears and worries. 


40 original dating ideas 


To diversify your personal life, you can randomly choose a date every weekend and enjoy spending time together. We offer such ideas for romantic encounters: 


1.Go to the woods for berries or mushrooms. 

2.Cook an unusual meal together.  

3.Watch a horror movie. 

4.Roast sausages over an open fire. 

5.Have a romantic evening outdoors. 

6.Watch the sunset together. 

7.Go to an art gallery or museum you haven’t both been to yet. 

8.Visit an unusual cafe, for example, with cats.  

9.Play Mafia with friends or attend a social event on the game. 

10.Create a tourist itinerary on your own and visit only places where neither of you have been. 

11.Watch a movie based on a true story. Discuss memorable moments (give preference to neutral genres to eliminate discussion). 

12.Organize a book club. Choose a piece of literature, read it, and then discuss points of interest. 

13.Go to a karaoke bar and open your heart in song. 14.Do some volunteer work. 

14.Swim nude under the night sky.

15.Study the stars and try to guess which one is which. Take a map of the starry sky with you. 

16.Watch nature, try to identify animals and plants. Take pictures of interesting moments. 

17.Visit a farmer’s fair, try some unusual street food. 

18.Gather fruits, vegetables, or berries from a nearby garden and figure out how to make them together. 

19.Visit a dog park. It’s good to play with a dog that you don’t have to take home and take care of later. 

20.Exercise at the gym together.  

21.Go to a trial yoga class.  

22.Spend time at the library with interesting magazines and books.  

23.Take an out-of-town bike tour. 

24.Spend 200 rubles each and go to a second hand or thrift store. At the end of the day, see what you were able to buy with this money. 

25.Learn how to Rollerblade, scooter or Segway together.  

26.Visit a nudist beach. A little new emotion in a relationship can’t hurt.  

27.Book a trip to the candy factory.  

28.Grab a big basket of popcorn and watch a movie in the car.  

29.Visit the petting zoo. 

30.Do a big jigsaw puzzle.  

31.Take your relationship to new heights on the climbing wall.  

32.Take a fun online personality test.  

33.Go to a secondhand store and buy an item that you can refurbish together later.  

34.Walk around Ikea together. Not only can you find interesting things to look at, but you can also relax on comfy couches and eat great food there. 

35.Learn how to play a game.  

36.Taste several varieties of wine.  

37.Look at masterpieces of art in an art gallery. 

38.Do intricate origami.  

39.Paint a mug for each other.  

40.Paint together.  


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