What to do with a guy during the vacations: 27 New Year’s holiday ideas

by adminzack07

Let the first days of 2022 fly by in a fun and relaxed way. We tell you how to spend time so that the holidays will leave a lot of pleasant memories. 

Do a little shopping 

When better to spend time shopping than during the vacations? On weekdays, sometimes all you want to do is hurry up and get home, watch your favorite TV show and fall asleep. And it is quite another thing during the holidays, which are as if created for leisurely shopping together.  

   1 Find the cheapest store and pick up sweaters for each other. Just by no means consult before you buy and give your word that you will definitely wear the thing given by your boyfriend. 

   2 Go to Home Goods and pick out things you associate with each other. In the process, you can discuss and argue.   

  3 Play the good wizard. Take the guy’s word that he will buy what you want, and you, in turn, will make his wish come true (within reason, of course).  

4 Splurge on fabric paint and the cheapest t-shirts, and create your own author collection at home. You can use tinsel and Christmas decorations.  

5 Buy children’s Christmas candy sets and exchange sweets.  

Go out and have fun. 

What a winter without outdoor activities, after which you feel better and improve your appetite. It is strongly advised to forget about extra pounds until the end of the vacations. All your activities can be filmed on video, and then mounted in a simple editor.  

  1 Go to the skating rink. A classic winter pastime, which will never lose its relevance. 

   2 Go skiing or tubing. You can get out to the base or look for slopes within the city.  

  3 Go snowshoeing in the nearest park.  

   4 Remember your childhood and get in a sled. Who says sledding is only for kids? Even Kim Kardashian spent time like that at Christmas.  

  5 Play golf. It doesn’t necessarily require good weather, you just need to find a stadium that has the right conditions. 

  6 Go to the pool. Pick up a fitness club, aqua complex, sports center or any other place where you can swim. 

   7 Organize a snowball fight with friends.  

   8 Book a booth at karaoke and choose Christmas tracks. To make it even more fun, rework the lyrics, such as adding your jokes or names to them.  

   9 Give each other a tour of the zoo. 

   10 Attend a concert by an unfamiliar band.  

   11 Go to a puppet theater for a New Year’s play. It will be much more fun than the usual production.  

Stay at home.  

The perfect pastime if it’s freezing and blizzarding outside. Make tea with lemon and ginger, get a warm plaid and tune in to wait for a miracle. Here’s how else you can spend time at home: 

    1Find a recipe for a complicated dish you’ve never tried and bring it to life.  

    2Prepare some delicious holiday food, such as a gingerbread house, baked goods shaped like Christmas toys or chocolate cake, and wash it down with homemade mulled wine, hot cider or punch.  

    3Have a cooking battle. Let everyone cook their favorite dish, and then judge the other’s efforts. The loser grants the winner’s wish. 

   4 Download all your favorite music into your player and start a dance marathon. 

   5 Play an interesting board game. And it can be not just “Monopoly,” but, say, “Answer in 5 seconds,” “Munchkin,” “Colonizers” or cards with movie characters.  

   6 Fight a computer game. We guarantee that your boyfriend will be enthusiastic about the idea and will play until you stop him. Don’t hesitate to ask him to explain the rules of the game to you. 

   7 Challenge the guy to a duel. Of course, not a real one, but a poetic one. Option will do for those who love poetry and have a special notebook for poems, as well as for beginners rappers. For others, this kind of free time can seem a little boring.  

  8 Give each other a relaxing massage. This can be arranged at the end of the day, using candles and fragrant oils, as well as putting on soothing music.  

   9 Form a fortress of pillows and blankets, just like when you were a kid, and then fight for important territory.  

  10 Have a soap opera marathon. The vacations are perfect for watching a short mini-series – if not a high-profile novelty, then already thundering projects you may have missed. 

   11 Do some home decorating. You can, for example, make snowflakes with characters from the “Star Wars” movie or characters from the “Harry Potter” universe. All you need to do is find templates online, print them out, and cut them out. 


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